Connect for Freedom provides student engagement ideas for K-12 education stakeholders to give students a voice and opportunity to become change agents in the fight against human trafficking. Once students are taught about online safety and human trafficking, they can become better reporters and supporters of peers who display characteristics that traffickers are known to exploit. Student victims will become more likely to seek assistance as well.

We want students to lead with ACTION, and amplify their voices on these serious topics to promote student empowerment. 

Our student-led engagement activities provide online safety and human trafficking awareness and are aligned with the 2022 NJ Curriculum Mandate and NJ State Guidelines N.J.S.A. 18A:6-131.2-131.3.


  • Out of the Shadows is a campaign to build awareness in school communities on the reality of human trafficking. Students will position life-sized silhouettes with human trafficking survivor stories to amplify the voices of victims around heavily foot-trafficked areas in their school.
  • Locker Slam is a campaign created by NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking to raise awareness within schools of human trafficking by posting magnets, posters, and other materials onto lockers. All material is free and can be ordered online prior to the campaign being implemented.
  • Red Sand Project is an interactive art installation designed to raise human trafficking awareness. By spreading red sand in sidewalk cracks, the project brings attention to those who have “fallen through the cracks” in society and become victims of human trafficking.
  • Art Displays created by students to raise awareness on human trafficking will be displayed around the school. The art should be age appropriate and students are encouraged to be creative and draw awareness through imagery, words, etc.
  • Movie/Documentary Screening can be hosted at school for students to learn more about human trafficking. Students can also invite a human trafficking survivor speaker to provide context and ask questions following the screening.
  • Fundraiser run by students to raise awareness and funds for a local anti-trafficking organization. Students should communicate with the organization and learn more about the organization and the great work they do.
  • Digital Civics Academy is a virtual and in-person camp for students aged 16-21 who are passionate about shaping the digital world and putting a stop to online exploitation. The program is co-designed by youth for youth, with the goal to equip the next generation of activists with skills to influence policies that shape the digital world.
  • My Freedom Day is a student-led event or day held on March 14th with the goal to raise awareness of human trafficking and modern day slavery. There are many different ideas of how students can engage the community on this day.
  • After School Programs should be created that focus on the importance of healthy relationships and forming strong bonds between students and faculty. The goal is to educate students on what healthy relationships look like so that they don’t fall victim to online enticement, sextortion, or human trafficking.
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