
Recommended for High School Students

When: Recommended to run in January for Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
Objective: To raise funds to a local anti-trafficking organization and start a dialogue with the school community on human trafficking awareness and prevention.
What: A student-led fundraising event which is coordinated with a local anti-trafficking organization.
How: Students should reach out and start a conversation with a local anti-trafficking organization to see the best way they can help. A fundraising event can be held by the students where all proceeds are donated to the organization.

Art Posters

Recommended for Middle and High School Students
Objective: Raise awareness within school of human trafficking so students may be more informed and thus able to protect themselves.
What: Students will design appropriate awareness posters about human trafficking to be put around the school.
How: VStudents can use basic arts and crafts supplies to create posters which share an appropriate message about human trafficking. These posters can then be put up in permitted spots throughout the school building or other local spots
When: Anytime
Education is Prevention
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